Consumers in the bloc are set to have a powerful new right to bring forward class action cases
Monzo's former head of legal James Sullivan has stepped in to be the crypto-friendly challenger's new chief legal officer
The firm has called for an urgent review of UK legislation in order to ensure the successful roll out of hands-free driving on the nation’s motorways
Alexander Egerton examines the need for businesses to comply with the GDPR as the coronavirus pandemic pushes them online
Jonathan Edwards and Clara Clark Nevola survey the plethora of mission statements and guidelines in which Europe defines its approach to AI regulation
FTSE 100 member Halma, which develops products and tech for analysis in safety, environmental and leisure related markets, has named Funmi Adegoke as its new group general counsel
Drivers could be taking their hands off the wheel on motorways as early as next year
John Buyers, Osborne Clarke’s head of AI, reports on the rapidly evolving field of automated facial recognition and the relevant legislation
The European Commission and the UK Information Commissioner’s Office unveiled white papers on AI regulation on the same day. Jo Joyce and Jean-David Behlow ask whether the EU and UK can become world leaders in AI regulation
Mark Lewis argues that a sensible balance can be struck between encouraging the development of AI and protecting citizens from harm
The UK government and an array of regulators, industry bodies and think tanks are hoping the UK can punch above its weight in AI, automation, fintech and cryptoassets
An interview with Tim Deeson, CEO of Green Shoot Labs, which has partnered with the Cybercrime Helpline to create a new chatbot aimed at helping everyday users deal with issues of cybercrime.
Following recent comments from Supreme Court Justice Lord Kitchen, that current IP law is lagging behind advances in AI technology, Saiful Khan, partner and IP expert in electronics and computing at Potter Clarkson, asks, is it time for the UK to introduce a new category of short-term patent to help stimulate greater innovation from technology companies?
iManage, the company dedicated to transforming how professionals work and Cognia Law, a next generation law company today, announced a partnership to deliver meaningful and practical Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to organizations globally.
Business law firm Mason Hayes & Curran (MH&C) has launched a new guide to artificial intelligence. The guide gives an overview of how the AI industry and how EU guidance and regulation is developing.
British people are the least supportive nation in their attitude towards driverless cars, or indeed any form of autonomous vehicle (AV), according to a study across six territories (United Kingdom, United States, Australia, China, Singapore and Hong Kong).
On 26th June, at a parliamentary inquiry into commercial and recreational drone use, the head of Unmanned Traffic Management at NATS, the Air Traffic experts in the U.K. Gave evidence to the Science & Technology Select Committee.
In a somewhat surprising move, France has banned data analytics related to rulings by Judges, and there are calls for this to be extended to all lawyers.
Kennedys law firm in London give an assessment of the Law Commissions' published analysis of responses to preliminary consultation, authored by Partners Rachel Moore and Niall Edwards, and Deborah Newberry, Head of Corporate and Public Affairs.
Estonia is an enigmatic centre for pioneering robotics. As a country, it connects the dots between Scandinavia, Central Europe and what lies to the east. Estonia’s capital Tallinn is the best preserved medieval city in Northern Europe. About 50% of the country is forest. The country may only have a population of 1.3 million, but Estonia’s digital landscape is exciting great interest globally.