Are algorithms dangerous? Do they need to be regulated?
Ethical sensitivity needs to be used when regulating certain robotics technology, says Chris Holder.
Pilotless planes look set to take off in the near future but will demand a whole set of new regulations.
Figures reveal the growth of UAV commercial manufacturers with the US leading the way.
Wealth inequality and monopolies are just two of the downsides of a robotics explosion, says Neasa MacErlean.
Patent wars could be on the horizen when the world of robotics matures.
Neasa MacErlean explains some of the profound implications for lawyers.
New Zealand's privacy regulator answers questions about privacy versus high-tech advances?
The Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand analyses the impact of its new rules.
Harmonising drone technology is as important as collaborating on regulation, Joe Urli maintains,,
The insurance industry is just one sector which is holding back until regulation is in place.
Australian surveillance law is not fit for purpose when dealing with drones, says Australia's privacy commissioner Timothy Pilgrim.
New Zealand is taking a different approach to risk when formulating its approach to drone useage.