29 Nov 2016

CAA Updates DroneCode and Launches Website

In an effort to improve safety, after a series of near misses of drones and aircraft, the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and air traffic control body NATS have issued a new code for drone users.


According to research carried out by the CAA, only 39% of drone owners know about the safe-flying regulations. Raising awareness for first time drone users is of paramount importance to the authorities, especially with Christmas coming up and drones an affordable present choice. In order that customers are informed of the responsibilities of drone ownership at the point of purchase, the CAA and NATS are working directly with retailers. The CAA suggests that only 36% of drone buyers currently get safe flying drone guidance at the point of sale.

UK Airprox board has said that in 2016 there have been 56 near-miss incidents, compared to only 29 in 2015. With the number of drone owners only going to rise, ensuring that people are aware of their responsibilities becomes more important, so the CAA has also decided to publish the code on a new, dedicated website, called Dronesafe.uk. The launch of the website comes after an industry-first report into user behaviour, attitudes towards, and responsible use of drones.

A few points in the code tells users to:

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